Monday, August 21, 2006

Jack's Birthday Party

We were invited to a party yesterday to help Jack (pictured here) celebrate his birthday. Parties at the DeSario's are always fun. They have a knack of making everyone feel relaxed and there is always alot of laughter. They also have a knack of making the best food and lots of it! In addition to a roast, many salads and side dishes, we had some great desserts.

They couldn't settle for one birthday cake. So, we were offered our choice of 3 amazing cakes.

Here we have the flourless chocolate cake - my personal favorite.

Here is the a layered white cake with fruit and whipped cream - I guess this is the healthy and light one.

...and here is the kid oriented cake - Go Elmo! Katie Kelly's face also kind of looked like this after she finished eating her piece. It's OK though as she is only 4.

Despite the rain and an indoor barbeque, it was a great afternoon. Posted by Picasa

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