Thursday, August 03, 2006

Here's the watch after it was completed. I ended up using elastic since it was too large with beading wire and the addition of a toggle clasp. I think I like the continual flow of this way better anyhow. I put Bali spacers between the clay beads and small silver circles next to the watch.

I like the watch, but also think that an elastic bracelet like this would be awesome. Let me know if anyone is interested in making some of these beads and doing a bracelet. Posted by Picasa


The Lone Beader® said...

I really like those beads! So, colorful!! I'm interested in making some, but I don't use clay that much. And, I don't have that fancy machine, either. Oh well...

Stacy Gates; Manchester, VT said...

You really don't need a machine. Here's what to do.
Get a roller (I use a piece of PVC pipe)and roll out your clay with that. To get the clay to a consistent height, place the roller ends on something like cardboard, a stack of playing cards, or a stack of index cards.
It's a little more work, but saves the $20 for the pasta machine.